The new definitions that focus on the difference between the Old and the New World are well developed in my second book, “Quantum Transactional Analysis and New Age”, in Chapter 2, which is about “Moral philosophy and New Age.” In this book you will find a completing and a deepening on the first book, “Quantum Transactional Analysis and Spirituality.” The terms defined in the context of the transition to the new world, you will find below.
- What is autonomy versus dependency?
- What is spirituality versus religion?
- What is a free (liberal) thinker versus a believer?
- What is phenomenological free examination?
- What is transformation versus change?
- What is synchronicity versus coincidence?
- What is faith (trust) versus belief?
- What is freedom versus non-commitment?
- What is being versus doing?
- What is female versus male power?
- What is ego versus self?
- What is karma versus script?
- What is the difference between “cause” and “effect”?
- What is a paradigm?
- What is the critical mass?
- What is the field?