Quote: “Consciousness precedes well-being and healing (of the vegetative system) comes before spiritual development.”
I was a therapist since 1988. I liked to call my practice “LIFE SCHOOL” and I saw myself more as a teacher or a life coach. I also liked to call myself a burnout coach and a stress counsellor. I called my clients the questioners or the investigators. You could contact me with all sorts of questions, problems and obstacles that life itself offers so generous in order to invite you to grow to more autonomy, maturity and freedom. In other words, to develop your personality. I facilitated the askers for help with their introspection by exploring together the systems that repeat themselves again and again (script behavior). The script of the inquirer was mapped and transformed down to the cellular level. So the researcher, requesting assistance could take back his life into his own hands and start manifesting its own realities, by making his own decisions, by making his own choices and by defining his own life. The result always is more self-esteem, a higher self-image and more self-love. And so the questioners will experience more joy of life and more job-satisfaction.
Here we speak of a rather cognitive approach and the offered frameworks are those of Transactional Analysis (see blog) and Quantum Transactional Analysis. If necessary, old traumas could be examined and healed with trauma healing, cranio and reiki. The intention was that the researcher says goodbye to the survival mode and starts enjoying his life.
Since we have moved to the Ardennes, from 2021 onwards the guidance will be purely cognitive and via video conference or written. Some activities will still be organised. At the end of 2024 we will have emigrated abroad. All activities have therefore been suspended. However, you can enrich your frames of reference and reframe the events in your life by reading my books and self-study.